Intern At Creepypasta Wikia

Once i was at intern at Creepypasta Wikia, because Creepy Daily News did'nt have anything else than that and a invite to a laboratory test but the laboratory test was a cliche so i went to the another job.
When i goed to the house it looked very spooky. It had lots of creepy images flying around it and endless text of creepypastas flowing to the neighbour houses.
When i ringed the door, i noticed there was plenty of people that i didn't know. Who answered the door was a skeleton, called LOLSKELETONS and a guy called Dronian. He said come up to this room and read these pastas.
4 days came and LOLSKELETONS invited us to watch a dvd. I was really tired, because i had to read lots of cliched pastas and my brain didnt have capasity to handle any more of them.
The DVD was really horrible MS paint quality and it was titled SUICEDEMOUSE5 SUICIDE.AVI. Then the mouse walked and walked and really hyper realistic John Madden popped out and i didn't handle any more of these stupid troll guys shit. Then i runned out screaming and noticed the title said
When i readed it i died because of the shock. Then my ghost came and i hanged myself at ghost world and then i popped up to another ghost world and SKELETONS POPPED OUT